Life is not all happy and fun it sometimes becomes dark and hopeless and at that time we don’t have any motivation to move ahead. This time of life can be pretty scary for most people and it needs to be taken seriously, the only way to fight this movement in your life is through motivation. Whatever your problem you can power through it with motivation so we have created a list to help you fight through your depression. Here are 5 apps to fight depression.
Depression CBT Self-Help Guide
Cognitive behavioral therapy is a technique to help to get out of the depression by taking and self-identifying the problem, it is a great app that provides you tools to measure your depression levels and gives you a thread to discuss your thoughts on.
Anxiety Reliever
This application lets you track your anxiety levels and provides you with exercises to help you calm your anxiety down. It can be a useful in case you’re having an anxiety attack.
Code Blue
Code blue is a community app that helps you in case you need someone to talk to or are having suicidal thoughts. You can add the people that you know or true to your group and with few taps you can call them or share your location to contact them.
This application is designed to lower your stress levels and making you calmer in situations when you’re angry or stressed. It gives you tips to stabilize your mood and reduce stress.
Lantern gives you personalized coaching to strengthen your strengths that work on basis of cognitive behavioral therapy. These strengths are body, stress, mood, social life, and sleep. It instructs you on the basis of these traits to help you fight through depression.