Best Apps for Pregnancy and New Parents

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parenting apps

When a couple is pregnant or just recently had a baby, they tend to spend a lot of time on their smart phone or computer, trying to get as much knowledge as they can to treat their unborn baby right or raise them the right way when they are born.

Now with so much advancement in technology, the app store has never been so full of great parenting apps that will guide you on every step of your parenting journey. Check out our list of Best Apps for Pregnancy and New Parents that you can try to be a better parent.


Nurture provides you with all the information you might need related to your pregnancy. You will be able to track the size of your baby and important things about being healthy and keeping the baby healthy. You will get daily updates and forum discussions where you can leave your opinion. The inputs of daily intake and symptoms will make it easier for you to track your own health.


Mush is like a social network for new mums where you can meet other like minded mothers who can help and guide you with their experience. Mush is also a parenting guide in itself and you can find forums where you can discuss with other mums. You can also use it as a place to buy and sell second-hand baby gear.


If you think your life has stopped being fun and it revolves around your baby and you can not get some time off to have fun then you need Hoop. Just sign in, fill in the age of your baby and this app will show you all the family friendly activities happening around you.

Baby Monitor 3G

Why buy a completely new baby monitor camera when our room is full of smartphones, and smart phones have cameras. Just pair two smartphones together and place one in your babies room and you will be able to stream the video on the other device.

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