3 Apps to Sharpen Your Mind

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Apps to Sharpen Your Mind

NeuroNation — Brain Training

NeuroNation is a cognitive training app that has 26 exercises and seven courses to exercise your mind. You can choose your preferred language in the app, it supports about eight different languages. This app is designed specifically to assist you in sharpening your mind through the provided exercises, improve your memory at the same time and also help you think faster. Like most people using this app, if your are highly competitive of your ablities and your progress, the app your abilities to students across the world. New exercises and games are added every month.

Memorado — Brain Games

Memorado is a set of games that are developed by neuroscientists, the app has 15 and there are 450 levels combined in all the games. The app is absolutely free to download and it has been said to aid an increase in concentration, reaction skills and, memory. The app also has a multiplayer feature that allows the users to invite and challenge your friends to battle within the app and see who has a smarter brain. The app conducts tests on a regular basis which tell you all you need to know about your capabilities and where you stand, as compared to other users of this game. Neuroscientists have claimed this app will help you exercise your brain, train your memory and improve brain connectivity.

Logic Puzzles — Brain Fun

Logic Puzzles is an app that consists of about 50 grid-based logic puzzles and the levels start from simple and go all the way up to expert. You will have to decipher the written rules and fill the blank grids to clear the level. Smart hints and short notes also pop up to help you keep moving forward and you are required to use them as you move along. This puzzle game is also used for LSAT and GMAT logical reasoning tests all around the globe

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